ERP for Real Estate Business

SHOILEE acts as an integrated solution for the real estate business by combining costing, subcontracting, billing, accounting, inventory, construction, quality control, marketing and credit realization.

The process starts from more than one point simultaneously. The land acquisition department receives proposals from prospective land owners or proposes to prospective land owners. ‘The: department visits the proposed land for a feasibility survey and completes the analysis upon some predefined criteria. Afterward, they run through legal verification of that land. Financial analysis is done on the project. If all the criteria match then the project is signed and procured through direct procurement or joint venture.

The engineering and Architecture department produces drawings for approval from different authorities. Architectural and Structural designs and drawings are produced for construction. Estimation of physical work is worked out and upon it, the engineering budget is completed. The budget contains rate analysis with real-time data. Construction work starts. Material management is done through the controlled flow of requisition, purchase order, and billing. Material requisitions are verified against budget and material stock. Requisitions, purchase orders, and Bills are approved electronically by concerned departments before execution.

Project management ensures precise work schedules through the execution of defined subcontracts mentioned in the budget. They also exercise financial analysis on under-construction projects due to the rise in material costs to make necessary decisions. Quality control is ensured through auditing and tracking systems.

Upon approval from authorities, sales start their activity. A saleable entities database is created. Prospective clients! database is created and each product is sold against a value with a specified realization schedule. Credit Realization department realizes the amount finalized by the Sales department. Upon approval, the realization installments and schedules are changed on request. Payments received through different channels are processed to Accounts. Upon acknowledgment from Accounts, the realization database is updated.

The software generates reports on financial conditions, project management, Store, sales, credit realization and Quality control.

Key features of the SHOILEE

  1. Project Management
  • Resource management.
  • Material flow management.
  • Workflow management.
  • Intermediate financial analysis.
  • Precise reporting on physical and financial work progress.
  1. Constriction Management
  • Budgeting of project. Subcontract management.
  • Site supervision.
  • Work progress reporting.
  • Construction quality control.
  • Material stock management.
  • Reporting to management.
  1. Material Management
  • Raising Material Requisition from the construction site.
  • Validating Requisition against Bill of Quantity (BOQ) and material stock.
  • Generating Purchase Orders against approved requisitions.
  • Updating Stores/Inventory prior to any requisition.
  • Material bills are judged against PO and stock received.
  1. Subcontract Management
  • Contractual entities inherited from Bill of Quantity.
  • Subcontract delegation management.
  • Partial bill payment system with tracking and approval.
  • Tracking of actual work completion and expenditure.
  • Interdepartment linking for payment management.
  1. Additional Work Management
  • Preparing material and contract bills for extra work.
  • Taking approval from the client on the extra material and labor cost.
  • Tracking material from requisition to consumption.
  1. Quality Control
  • Checks validity of reported values.
  • Validates payments.
  • Validate work completion reports.
  • Validates construction, material and service quality.
  1. Business Development Management
  • Keeping a database of prospective landowners.
  • Keeping a database of given proposals with details.
  • Keeping records of signing money & their payment schedules.
  1. Marketing & Sales Management
  • Saleable entity products from the project.
  • Prospective client database.
  • Discussions thread maintenance and follow-up system.
  • Detailed product database for sales convenience.
  1. Credit Realization
  • Realization against sold entities.
  • Keeping records of schedules & reschedules.
  • Preparing extra invoices for both payables & receivables.
  • ¢Keeping records of letters sent to clients & feedback from clients.
  • Realization integrated with accounts.
  1. Logistic Management system
  • Keeping records of the utility connection of projects.
  • Recording the expenditure at the different govt. agencies.
  • Keeping records of expenditures of legal affairs of the company.
  • Financial Management
  • The accounting application has four sub-modules.
  • They are: @ General Ledger
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivables
  • Term Loan Management

As the application is integrated with other modules the balance sheet and profit and loss account reflect the real-time situation of the company at all times. Year closing becomes a matter-of-fact activity without any delay. The application gives an aging report on accounts payable and receivables. –

  • Fixed Asset Management System
  • Maintains procurement cost with other details for tracking
  • Identifies and handles composite fixed assets, and assembles individual fixed assets as a component.
  • Calculates depreciation as per user-selected method on individual assets
  • Tracks sales, transfer of location or responsibility
  • Tracks by date servicing and repairing records against individual assets
  • Spare parts maintenance
  • Maintenance Scheduling
  • Report Suite
  • Easy interface to handle.
  • Predefined standard reporting.
  • Single click operation.
  • Report with accurate and real-time data.